What Investor Pitch Materials do you need?

free videos May 26, 2020

Sara Elizabeth has raised millions of dollars in private equity for her films and shares the materials she uses to secure investment.

Also, check out our filmmaking courses and resources at NO FILM S...

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Do I need to go to Film School to make successful films?

free videos Dec 18, 2019

Also, check out our filmmaking courses and resources at NO FILM SCHOOL. NO TRUST FUND. NO PROBLEM

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Fiscal Sponsorship

free videos Oct 09, 2019

Sara Elizabeth has raised money through private equity for all her films and suggests you consider this funding tool that can be enticing to investors and is money you don't have to pay back. https://...

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Getting Started in Film

free videos Dec 05, 2018

Producer Sara Elizabeth Timmins of Life Out Loud Films has been producing for almost 20 years and shares a few thoughts on the first step any entrepreneur needs to take in order to start a company, pr...

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The Solo-Entrepreneur: Accountability

free videos Nov 25, 2018

Freelancing can often be lonely and it can be hard to stay on track without a stable schedule or working from home and I have found that accountability is key to surviving and I am sharing several way...

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What I didn't Know about Investors when I Started

free videos Sep 07, 2018

Sara Elizabeth has funded her past films with private equity and has extensive experience finding, pitching and working with investors and shares some of the things she has learned along the way.


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Picking the Right Distributor

free videos Aug 10, 2018

Producer Sara Elizabeth Timmins of Life Out Loud Films has attached international distribution to all her company films and has been attending AFM since 2008. Sara Elizabeth shares some tips on how to...

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