Advice from NY Times Best Selling Author David Baldacci


David Baldacci joined us for Power Hour last month and offered words of enouragement: 

"If this is your dream, continue it. If you get rejected and it makes you try harder, then you are...

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Securities Laws: One of the Most Important Things you Need to Know about Raising Money


 Around the topic of Raising money and Finding Investors, one item that many filmmakers are not familiar with is SEC, and the securities laws they enforce. This is absolutely something that...

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Why go to AFM?

articles tips Oct 19, 2022

We just finished up a class on working the markets and many were unclear IF they should go to AFM and WHY they should go. If you are contemplating the same things and considering going to AFM,...

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Advice from McMillion$ Director


Brian Lazarte joined us for Power Hour last week and shared his incredible story of how McMillion$ came to be and what makes a successful documentary. Brian also encouraged filmmakers to: 


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Preparing For and Navigating Film Markets

A lot of filmmaking clients have been asking me about AFM and upcoming markets like MIPCOM and Reel Screen Summit as we step into Market Season. In preparation for AFM this year and our upcoming...

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Just Do the Work and Make the Work Good

free videos tips Aug 29, 2022

Chris Lockhart joined us last month for Power Hour and gave us his honest and inspiring insight on our industry. Watch just a couple minutes of our Power Hour with Chris and you will see why it's...

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Why Investor Group Pitches are Effective

Comfort in Numbers

I have found in the past that some of my best success in raising money has come out of doing group pitches.  Meaning, I do a presentation in front of a group (ie: at a...

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Building Trust and Credibility

articles tips Aug 16, 2022
Many filmmakers focus on the materials needed to present to investors but neglect a key factor in getting a YES from an investor.
Regardless of the materials you share, you must ultimately...
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The 4 Kinds of Pitches

Uncategorized Aug 07, 2022

Over the last 20+ years pitching in this industry, I have learned that most of the pitches I have had to make fall into 4 key categories. These categories are extremely distinct and should be...

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What is Selling (and Not) In Today's Market

articles tips Jun 27, 2022
It is key as a creative to have a clear understanding of the market to best set your project up for success.  We continued our conversation at Cannes with Lise Romanoff at Vision Films...
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