Q&A: What are your thoughts on people working on deferral basis?

free videos Jul 13, 2021

Also, check out our filmmaking courses and resources at NO FILM SCHOOL. NO TRUST FUND. NO PROBLEM 

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What Type of Low Budget Films Break Out

articles Jul 06, 2021
Next week's Happy Hour guest, founder of the data, research and analysis company The Numbers,  Bruce Nash along with Film Industry Analyst Stephen Follows conducted this investigative report which is ...
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Your superpower is YOU!

free videos inspiration Jun 24, 2021

The same theme came up on 3 different 1:1's yesterday and our last 2 happy hour guests touched on it as well which prompted this video.  

Bringing you and your unique perspective, experience and acce...

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Q&A: How do you quantify a film's value and reach for Product Placement & Sponsorship?

free videos Jun 15, 2021

Also, check out our filmmaking courses and resources at NO FILM SCHOOL. NO TRUST FUND. NO PROBLEM

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Whose advice and feedback are you listening to? 3 ways to sort through the noise and stay in your worth.

inspiration tips Jun 04, 2021


Brene Brown said something that really resonated with me as a filmmaker as I constantly navigate advice, naysayers, critics and "experts".

“A lot of cheap seats in the arena are filled with people...

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Life is Too Short- No #$@holes Please

inspiration May 18, 2021
This article about Olivia Wilde's policy was forwarded to me by another filmmaker and as you can imagine...I had some thoughts and thought I'd share.
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Q&A: How do you pitch donations/product placement in COVID and still be sensitive?

free videos Apr 01, 2021

Also, check out our filmmaking courses and resources at NO FILM SCHOOL. NO TRUST FUND. NO PROBLEM

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Finding Images for your Film Deck

tips Mar 23, 2021

Your deck is a visual representation of your film that must entice, inform and persuade.  The images you choose are key in creating tone and taking the viewer on a journey that is tonally in line with...

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Course SNEAK PEEK (10mins)

courses Mar 05, 2021

So I've gotten a few questions about the courses and thought I'd take 10 mins and give you a sneak peek tour of the courses and what to expect.  Hope it's helpful and look forward to continuing to sup...

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Setting your Minimum Investment Amount

free videos raising money Mar 02, 2021

If you are starting to raise money for your film, you have probably grappled with what your minimum investment should be. Sara Elizabeth shares her thoughts based on her experience successfully raisin...

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