Conscious Filmmaking


We are in an industry that promotes "the hustle" ie. playing the game, fitting in, getting seen, and yet the creative's superpower lies in being unapologetically YOU, and bringing that unique version of yourself to the pitch room, the page, or set. This means you have to eliminate any limiting beliefs, blocks, sense of unworthiness or shame holding you back.

What is Conscious Filmmaking?

The magical intersection where PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, MINDSET, and FILMMAKING  all meet to create magnetism towards accomplishing your filmmaking goals. 

The Foundation Blocks of Conscious Filmmaking

Having clarity on who you are, what you truly want, what drives you, and lights you up is KEY to creating the film career you desire. Cut through what doesn’t serve you to focus on the aspects of your career and projects that will bring it to fruition faster.

  • Identify your Core Values
  • Write Your Manifesto
  • Branding You- Your personal Logline
  • Make Decisions in alignment with YOU
  • Daily Habits for Clarity & Empowerment
  • Seeing "You" in Your Work

We all have blocks and shadows both personally and collectively.  From our parental modeling and societal programming, to the stories our industry perpetuates, we have subconscious beliefs and blocks about making money through our passion, our worth within the film industry, exposing our most vulnerable self through our art, etc.  It is time to recognize and call them out so they lose power, and we can replace them with new productive beliefs to reach our fullest potential.

  • Identify Your Blocks and Shadows
  • Let’s Talk about Limiting Beliefs
  • How to OUT your blocks so they lose power
  • Tools to create and nurture LimitLESS beliefs

I have personally witnessed HUGE shifts in my career and projects when I simply shift my mindset -- from pitching projects and investors, to staying focused and on point when you hit hurdles, and keeping forward movement through it all.

  • 4 Key Shifts in Mindset
  • The Practice of Shifting Mindset
  • Daily Habits to shift Film Progress 
  • Unpacking the very common Fear of Failure & Impostor Syndrome
  • The Power of Community, Connection and Expanders

Surrounding ourselves with a like-minded community and people who are "in the arena" so we can see to believe is so key.  Here the quality of the people is key as they allow us to expand beyond our hopes and dreams to truly see that what we strive for is actually possible. Also, operating as a solo-preneur is hard so finding way to create accountability, share responsibility and keep you motivated and inspired are a must.

Years ago I had absolutely no balance and while I was always insanely busy, I was not being the most productive and making the best use of my time. I'm still in progress for sure but over the years I have found lots of tips and tricks that have drastically changed my life for the better and I'm here to share all those discoveries with you!

Join the Conscious Filmmaking Waitlist

Our January 2025 class is SOLD OUT but you'll be the first to know when we offer our next Conscious Filmmaking series!

"I loved everything about this workshop. Grounding into me and how that affects my work, while uncovering fears and limiting beliefs with a hands on/action based approach."

Gigi R.

"It helps remind us of our power that we forget we have- to come out strong and empowered at the end of the class. I feel authentic to show up as I am."

MaryAnn T.

"It's convicted me to take bolder steps, and believe in myself more."

Vicki S.

"I loved the content and meeting with like minded women in the film business was invaluable. It confirmed that I am in the right field and it's up to me to create my reality. Sara Elizabeth created a safe and inspiring space for everyone to show up as their authentic self. She was a beacon for each one of us. I highly recommend this class."

Molly R.

"A great check in every week for our mental health while finding our way through the film industry. I've found more discipline to do the personal work - it is as important as my discipline for writing."

Tricia L.

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