Are you Having a Hard Time Getting Investors?


You might be thinking, "am I ever going to get an investor for my film," - right? It comes down to hooking them and demonstrating to them that you have their back and are doing all you can...

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9 Tips on Finding & Choosing Comps for your Pitch Deck

articles raising money tips Sep 06, 2023

As many of you prepare for events like MIPCOM and AFM this fall, we've decided to dive into all things PITCH DECKS this week!

Are you struggling to find the right comps for your film? Here are 9...

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From 'No' to 'Yes': The Ultimate Guide to Winning Over Film Investors

articles raising money tips Apr 10, 2023

So, what do you do when you get the dreaded investor NO? Well, many filmmakers curl in a ball and question why they chose this crazy industry, indulge in a pint of ice cream or bottle of win,...

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Securities Laws: One of the Most Important Things you Need to Know about Raising Money


 Around the topic of Raising money and Finding Investors, one item that many filmmakers are not familiar with is SEC, and the securities laws they enforce. This is absolutely something that...

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Preparing For and Navigating Film Markets

A lot of filmmaking clients have been asking me about AFM and upcoming markets like MIPCOM and Reel Screen Summit as we step into Market Season. In preparation for AFM this year and our upcoming...

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Why Investor Group Pitches are Effective

Comfort in Numbers

I have found in the past that some of my best success in raising money has come out of doing group pitches.  Meaning, I do a presentation in front of a group (ie: at a...

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3 Types of Investor that Invest in Indie Film

free videos raising money Feb 15, 2022

Over my 14 years of raising money I have found there are 3 kinds of investors that are most likely to finance your film.

Check out our video blog (6 mins), and as always we are here to support...
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Setting your Minimum Investment Amount

free videos raising money Mar 02, 2021

If you are starting to raise money for your film, you have probably grappled with what your minimum investment should be. Sara Elizabeth shares her thoughts based on her experience successfully...

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