Next week's Happy Hour guest, founder of the data, research and analysis company The Numbers, Bruce Nash along with Film Industry Analyst Stephen Follows conducted this investigative report...
Sara Elizabeth established Life Out Loud Films in 2008 to create quality, inspiring impact films that champion women. Her films have been seen in theatres, HBO, The Hallmark Channel, Starz, Showtime and internationally. She has worked with talented actors like Jane Seymour, Ellen Burstyn, Chris Cooper, Josh Lucas and Mackenzie Foy and writers like NY Times Best Selling Author David Baldacci. Most recently, she field-produced the Emmy nominated HBO docu series McMillions for Mark Wahlbergā€™s company which premiered at Sundance 2020 and she is in development on several feature films and series. She also works as a consultant for both films and filmmakers and has produced national campaigns for companies like Meyer Natural Foods & Laura's Lean. Sara Elizabeth believes she has a responsibility through film to spark conversations, that inspire action, that ignites change.