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A Note of Creative Gratitude and Reflection in Thanksgiving

inspiration Nov 24, 2021

This time of year I cannot help but reflect on how lucky I am to not only do what I love every day but also to work with so many talented, motivated and inspiring creatives like you! 


As many of you know, this past year I went on a personal journey, put all my things in storage and moved solo to an island where I knew no one.  I was supposed to stay for one month and stayed for 8 months and then moved onto a sailboat and have been working remote for over 4 months while developing films, coaching and seeing New England by coast.  I needed a reset, a refresh and to get back in touch with me.  As creatives, these are all 3 key components of creating our best work.


I am a creative and own my own business…  I have the flexibility to move anywhere so why haven't I? 

My creative life is better when I actually experience life and feed my soul so why haven't I? 

Honoring me and who I am is part of my growth as a creative so why haven't I?  

Taking time to just be, think and breathe is crucial for the creative inspiration to surface and blocks to dissolve…so why haven’t I?


What I also learned is that happiness is not about the place but about my being and in so many ways as creatives we need to remember this as well...if you show up anywhere 1000% yourself, you should soar.  We forget to bring "us" to the table sometimes as we conform to our environment, what we are expected to be, what we think others want- how they want us to write, produce, show up, think, act, structure our days, etc.


We don't have to conform and actually it is when you are brave enough to be unapologetically you that the work will come, your work will get noticed and you will have a career you are proud of.


Don't be afraid to leap into the unknown, do hard and scary things as the universe does have your back.  Take it from me and from my experience over the last year....You will not regret it!  I'm Thankful...


During this time of Thanksgiving, I am also extremely grateful for each of you who have touched me along this journey of life and enrich who I am with every interaction. Thank You!


~Keep Living Life Out Loud~  With Love, Sara Elizabeth



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